Friday, September 25, 2015

Two Months: September 23

When we took June's one-month photos in the hospital, our hope was that was it. Now, we hope we will be out before she is four months. Despite the disappointing news, June has had a very good week yet again (And yet again, we are hesitant to post this because it seems as soon as we say that, something happens.)

June got moved to a regular crib, which means she can now regulate her temperature.  She will go back into a warming bed when she goes into surgery.

On Monday, June was taken off TPN for the first time in her life. It was very exciting because it meant she was handling her milk enough to get all her calories from it. By Tuesday, June was getting full feeds (22 milliliters of milk mixed with formula to get her more calories without increasing the volume).

On Thursday, they started giving her 24 milliliters of milk/formula. Today, they added fish oil to her milk to give her 15-20 more calories of fat. They need to get some meat on her bones to make sure she can handle her next surgery better than the last one. Currently, June weighs 7 pounds 11 ounces.

June came off a lot of her medications this week. They stopped the antibiotic she was taking for her infection on Wednesday. Once the hole in her stomach has healed and the wound vac is taken out, she can come out of isolation (meaning no more gowns and gloves hopefully in the next couple weeks). June also came off her morphine this week. She had some minor withdraw symptoms but is now handling not being on any pain medication. June is still on one of her seizure medications, but now they are talking about weening her off it slowly. Since June is on a lot less medications, she is much more awake.

On Tuesday, June had her two month vaccinations. We weren't at the hospital when they gave them, but we were told she handled them very well. Some crying but she settled down very quickly after being picked up.

The surgeons continue to come by every day and check on the hole in June's stomach. She has the wound vac sponge changed every few days. The doctors say the hole is almost the size of a pinprick. The flesh wound is still quite large and will take several weeks to heal. Right now, they think June's next surgery is still another four weeks away.


  1. Keep it up Mom and Dad! You are helping June Bug every day!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm happy to hear she is doing better and hopeful for continued progress. Love and miss you very much cuz!!
